Enjoy the Windsurfing with Makerfabs Wind Station

Enjoy the Windsurfing with Makerfabs Wind Station

June 25, 2019

I like Windsurfing…
Sailboat on the beachWindsurfing on the sea

Although I am still a learner, I found myself love this sport a lot…it eased my tired a lot, and, help me got more friends, you know, that is really always a problem for a software engineer in Shenzhen.

But there is always a problem for Windsurfing, about the wind. Many times we found the wind bad, too strong for me, or no wind to enjoy, many times we are disappointed when got to the beach.

So I make a wind station, for me and my friends to monitor the real-time wind status. As below:

Makerfabs Wind Weather Station

I use the MQTT together the wind status and post them to my AWS: Anyone can get the Shenzhen beach wind status at
UI of Wind Station

This wind station is still in prototyping, and I will update with some other wireless and install it on the beach, with the beach official approved... Keep hearing from me.wink

Update (25th, Jan 2021):
I made a wind speed monitor based on MQTT, check my blog: How To Monitor Wind Speed With MQTT.

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